Sunday, February 20, 2005
prove it
As you can tell, for reasons known only to the gods, I do not update my blog too often. In fact, I hardly do it at all. Once in a while, however, something comes up, and ta da....
I invite all to look at the recent line in "Balkinization" regarding gay service in the military. A posting proposed a rather modest measure to introduce acceptance of gay service in the military by asking new recruits if they would prefer or mind serving in a unit with gay servicemen or women. They obvious goal is to prove that heterosexuals can confidently serve alongside gays, while at the same time doing away with the ridiculous "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The proposal does not call for establishing "gay" units or "straight" units.
Predictably, the posting has drawn strong response from both sides of the issue, including one contributor who says he does not believe that gay people are presently serving with distinction in Iraq and Afghanistan. he calls for proof.
Well, I would like to know in a "don't ask, don't tell" military how he expects such proof to come forth other than from anectdotal evidence, or those who have served and come back home telling their stories. The aggravating part of this is that it is perfectly obvious that there are all types of people serving with distinction in all aspects of society. These people don't call attention to themselves, because they either don't find the need to, or don't need or want an ignoramis either not believing or accepting who they are for what they are.
To the man who wants proof, I would ask him if he also needs proof that the Earth revolves around the sun rather than the moon, if he needs proof that the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and if he really and truly needs proof that ignorance in all its glory really is bliss. I would suggest, that with most things, the answer lies within.
I invite all to look at the recent line in "Balkinization" regarding gay service in the military. A posting proposed a rather modest measure to introduce acceptance of gay service in the military by asking new recruits if they would prefer or mind serving in a unit with gay servicemen or women. They obvious goal is to prove that heterosexuals can confidently serve alongside gays, while at the same time doing away with the ridiculous "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The proposal does not call for establishing "gay" units or "straight" units.
Predictably, the posting has drawn strong response from both sides of the issue, including one contributor who says he does not believe that gay people are presently serving with distinction in Iraq and Afghanistan. he calls for proof.
Well, I would like to know in a "don't ask, don't tell" military how he expects such proof to come forth other than from anectdotal evidence, or those who have served and come back home telling their stories. The aggravating part of this is that it is perfectly obvious that there are all types of people serving with distinction in all aspects of society. These people don't call attention to themselves, because they either don't find the need to, or don't need or want an ignoramis either not believing or accepting who they are for what they are.
To the man who wants proof, I would ask him if he also needs proof that the Earth revolves around the sun rather than the moon, if he needs proof that the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and if he really and truly needs proof that ignorance in all its glory really is bliss. I would suggest, that with most things, the answer lies within.